2pac dear mama video treatment
2pac dear mama video treatment

Nas released his song “Dance with your mama” in 2005, expressing the feelings he had about her passing away. For example, Kanye West released his song “Hey mama” in 2005, letting her know how much he loves and appreciates her. Persuading other rappers to do the same by creating some type of positive message within their songs. Tupac took a turn and made a change with rap music. Dear Mama is meaningful and clearly understood. This song is unique compared to the usual gangsta rap music because, it isn’t degrading towards women or advertising violence. Your life may not be as perfect as you want it to be but there is more to life than money and materialistic things, love and support is most important. This song could help all males realize the importance of thanking and showing their mothers especially single mothers who do the best they could, unconditional love and appreciation for all they did for them. This message is deeply conveyed to the audience by Tupac repeatedly saying “there’s no way I can pay you back but the plan is to show you that I understand, you are appreciated”. Tupac goes beyond all of the bad memories that they had and tries to let her know that he can’t pay her back for all the good she’s done but, that he understands how hard it was being a single mother on welfare while trying to raise a man and that he appreciates her for the way that she raised him and things she sacrificed for him. He also says ‘ain’t no woman alive that can take my mama’s place” which is pretty self-explanatory. Even though they sold drugs they showed him the love that he was missing out on from his father.Being rebellious and hanging out with the wrong crowd led him to be kicked out by the age of seventeen and later on sent to prison.Įven though his mother was a drug addict and couldn’t provide the things he wanted to have growing up, they had a lot of good times that outweighed the bad times.Tupac points out how she picked him up whenever he was down the wrong path, pointing him into the right direction. He depended on the local drug dealers to teach him what he thought he needed to know about the world.

#2pac dear mama video treatment how to

Tupac was a very rebellious teenager mainly because his father was around so he didn’t have anyone to teach him how to become a real man. Even though Tupac and his little sister had different fathers and neither of them were around, they blamed everything that went wrong on their mother. Contradicting the people who believe most black men walk out on their families once they reach a certain amount of wealth. He also says “Even though I sell rocks it feels good putting money in your mailbox, I love paying rent when the rent’s due, I hope you got that diamond necklace that I sent to you”, This is a perfect example of a real man making sure that his family is taken care of. In the song Tupac expresses all of the hardships that he and his siblings had growing up. This song was written in tribute to his mother Afeni Shakur. Some men actually look forward to being able to take care of their family. However, when it comes to the song “Dear mama by Tupac Shakur”, that is not the case. Statistics today would say that most black men up and leave their family when they reach a certain amount of wealth. Rhetorical Essay on Tupac Shakur “Dear Mama”

2pac dear mama video treatment